Rate Limiting Strategies

All rate limiting plugins support some subset of the following strategies:

Strategy Pros Cons Supported in plugin
local Minimal performance impact. Less accurate. Unless there’s a consistent-hashing load balancer in front of Kong, it diverges when scaling the number of nodes. AI Rate Limiting Advanced
Rate Limiting Advanced
Rate Limiting
Response Ratelimiting
cluster Accurate1, no extra components to support. Each request forces a read and a write on the data store. Therefore, relatively, the biggest performance impact. AI Rate Limiting Advanced
Rate Limiting Advanced
Rate Limiting
Response Ratelimiting
GraphQL Rate Limiting Advanced
redis Accurate1, less performance impact than a cluster policy. Needs a Redis installation. Bigger performance impact than a local policy. AI Rate Limiting Advanced
Rate Limiting Advanced
Rate Limiting
Response Ratelimiting
GraphQL Rate Limiting Advanced

[1]: Only when sync_rate option is set to 0 (synchronous behavior). See the configuration reference for each plugin for more details.

Two common use cases are:

  1. Every transaction counts. The highest level of accuracy is needed. An example is a transaction with financial consequences.
  2. Backend protection. Accuracy is not as relevant. The requirement is only to protect backend services from overloading that’s caused either by specific users or by attacks.

Every transaction counts

In this scenario, because accuracy is important, the local policy is not an option. Consider the support effort you might need for Redis, and then choose either cluster or redis.

You could start with the cluster policy, and move to redis if performance reduces drastically.

Do remember that you cannot port the existing usage metrics from the data store to Redis. This might not be a problem with short-lived metrics (for example, seconds or minutes) but if you use metrics with a longer time frame (for example, months), plan your switch carefully.

Backend protection

If accuracy is of lesser importance, choose the local policy. You might need to experiment a little before you get a setting that works for your scenario. As the cluster scales to more nodes, more user requests are handled. When the cluster scales down, the probability of false negatives increases. So, adjust your limits when scaling.

For example, if a user can make 100 requests every second, and you have an equally balanced 5-node Kong cluster, setting the local limit to something like 30 requests every second should work. If you see too many false negatives, increase the limit.

To minimize inaccuracies, consider using a consistent-hashing load balancer in front of Kong. The load balancer ensures that a user is always directed to the same Kong node, thus reducing inaccuracies and preventing scaling problems.

Fallback from Redis

When the redis strategy is used and a Kong Gateway node is disconnected from Redis, the plugin will fall back to local. This can happen when the Redis server is down or the connection to Redis broken. Kong Gateway keeps the local counters for rate limiting and syncs with Redis once the connection is re-established. Kong Gateway will still rate limit, but the Kong Gateway nodes can’t sync the counters. As a result, users will be able to perform more requests than the limit, but there will still be a limit per node.

Policy strategies

Two common use cases are:

You need… Use the following plugin policy strategies…
A high level of accuracy in ?. An example is a transaction with financial consequences. cluster or redis
Protect backend services from overloading that’s caused either by specific users or by attacks. ___ accuracy is not as relevant. local

If the plugin can’t retrieve the selected policy, it falls back to limiting usage by identifying the IP address.

High accuracy use case recommendations

In this scenario, because accuracy is important, the local policy is not an option. Consider the support effort you might need for Redis, and then choose either cluster or redis.

You could start with the cluster policy, and move to redis if performance reduces drastically.

Do remember that you cannot port the existing usage metrics from the data store to Redis. This might not be a problem with short-lived metrics (for example, seconds or minutes) but if you use metrics with a longer time frame (for example, months), plan your switch carefully.

Backend protection use case recommendations

If accuracy is of lesser importance, choose the local policy. You might need to experiment a little before you get a setting that works for your scenario. As the cluster scales to more nodes, more user requests are handled. When the cluster scales down, the probability of false negatives increases. So, adjust your limits when scaling.

For example, if a user can make 100 requests every second, and you have an equally balanced 5-node Kong cluster, setting the local limit to something like 30 requests every second should work. If you see too many false negatives, increase the limit.

To minimize inaccuracies, consider using a consistent-hashing load balancer in front of Kong. The load balancer ensures that a user is always directed to the same Kong node, thus reducing inaccuracies and preventing scaling problems.

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