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How to create rate limiting tiers with Kong Gateway


To effectively manage API traffic for various user tiers (such as free, basic, and premium subscribers) you can create consumer groups for each tier and assign individual consumers to these groups. Then, configure the Rate Limiting Advanced plugin to apply specific rate limits based on these groups. This setup allows you to enforce customized request limits for each tier, ensuring fair usage and optimizing performance for high-value users.


Kong Konnect

This is a Konnect tutorial. If you don’t have a Konnect account, you can get started quickly with our onboarding wizard.

The following Konnect items are required to complete this tutorial:

  • Personal access token (PAT): Create a new personal access token by opening the Konnect PAT page and selecting Generate Token.
  • Control plane: You can use an existing control plane or create a new one to use for this tutorial.
  • Control plane ID: You can see your control plane ID by selecting a control plane from the Gateway Manager in Konnect.

Kong Gateway running

This tutorial requires Kong Gateway Enterprise. If you don’t have Kong Gateway set up yet, you can use the quickstart script with an enterprise license to get an instance of Kong Gateway running almost instantly.

  1. Export your license to an environment variable:

     export KONG_LICENSE_DATA='<license-contents-go-here>'
  2. Run the quickstart script:

     curl -Ls https://get.konghq.com/quickstart | bash -s -- -e KONG_LICENSE_DATA

    Once Kong Gateway is ready, you will see the following message:

     Kong Gateway Ready 


decK is a CLI tool for managing Kong Gateway declaratively with state files. To complete this tutorial you will first need to:

  1. Install decK
  2. Create a deck_files directory and a kong.yaml file in the directory:

     mkdir deck_files  && touch deck_files/kong.yaml

Pre-configured entities

For this tutorial, you’ll need Kong Gateway entities, like services and routes, pre-configured. These entities are essential for Kong Gateway to function but installing them isn’t the focus of this guide. Follow these steps to pre-configure them:

  1. Create a prereqs.yaml file within your deck_files directory, and add the following content to it:

    _format_version: '3.0'
      - name: example-service
        url: http://httpbin.org/anything
      - name: example-route
        - "/anything"
          name: example-service
  2. Sync your changes.

    deck gateway sync deck_files

    Make sure to substitute your Konnect Personal Access Token for konnect_token and the control plane name for KONNECT_CP_NAME in the command:

    deck gateway sync deck_files \
      --konnect-token $KONNECT_TOKEN \
      --konnect-control-plane-name $KONNECT_CP_NAME

To learn more about entities, you can read our entities documentation.

1. Set up consumer authentication

We need to set up authentication to identify the consumer and apply rate limiting. In this guide, we’ll be using the Key Auth plugin plugin, but you can use any Kong authentication plugin.

Add the following content to your kong.yaml file in the deck_files directory to configure the Key Auth plugin:

_format_version: '3.0'
  - name: key-auth
      - apikey

2. Create consumer groups for each tier

Before you can enable rate limiting for tiers of users, we first have to create consumer groups for each tier and then add consumers to those groups. Consumer groups are soley a way to organize consumers of your APIs. In this guide, we’ll create three tiers (Free, Basic, and Premium), so we need to create a unique consumer group for each tier.

Apphend the following content to your kong.yaml file in the deck_files directory to create consumer groups for each tier:

  - name: Free
  - name: Basic
  - name: Premium

3. Create consumers

Now that you’ve added consumer groups for each tier, you can create three consumers, one for each tier. Here, we’re manually adding consumers for the sake of ease, but in a production environment, you could use a script that would automatically add consumers to the correct groups as they sign up for a tier of service.

We’re also adding key auth credentials (key) to each consumer so they can authenticate and we can test later that rate limiting was correctly configured for the different tiers.

Apphend the following content to your kong.yaml file in the deck_files directory to create consumers and their authentication credentials:

  - username: Amal
    - name: Free
    - key: amal
  - username: Dana
    - name: Basic
    - key: dana
  - username: Mahan
    - name: Premium
    - key: mahan

4. Enable rate limiting on each tier

Enable the Rate Limiting Advanced plugins for each tier:

Add the following to your existing plugins section in kong.yaml:

  - name: rate-limiting-advanced
    consumer_group: Free
      - 3
      - 30
      window_type: fixed
      retry_after_jitter_max: 0
      namespace: free
  - name: rate-limiting-advanced
    consumer_group: Basic
      - 5
      - 30
      window_type: sliding
      retry_after_jitter_max: 0
      namespace: basic
  - name: rate-limiting-advanced
    consumer_group: Premium
      - 500
      - 30
      window_type: sliding
      retry_after_jitter_max: 0
      namespace: premium

This configures the different tiers like the following:

  • Free: Allows six requests per second. This configuration sets the rate limit to three requests (config.limit) for every 30 seconds (config.window_size).
  • Basic: Allows 10 requests per second. This configuration sets the rate limit to five requests (config.limit) for every 30 seconds (config.window_size).
  • Premium: Allows 1,000 requests per second. This configuration sets the rate limit to 500 requests (config.limit) for every 30 seconds (config.window_size).

5. Apply configuration

Synchronize your decK configuration files. Make sure you created the deck_files directory in the prerequisites.

First, compare the decK file or files to the state of the Kong Gateway:

deck gateway diff deck_files
deck gateway diff deck_files \
  --konnect-token $KONNECT_TOKEN \
  --konnect-control-plane-name $KONNECT_CP_NAME

The output shows you which entities will change if you sync the state files.

If everything looks right, synchronize them to update your Gateway configuration:

deck gateway sync deck_files
deck gateway sync deck_files \
  --konnect-token $KONNECT_TOKEN \
  --konnect-control-plane-name $KONNECT_CP_NAME

6. Validate that rate limiting is working on each tier

Now we can test that each rate limiting tier is working as expected by sending a series of HTTP requests (for example, six for Free Tier and seven for Basic Tier) to the endpoint with the appropriate API key with the goal of exceeding the configured rate limit for that tier. The tests wait for one second between requests to avoid overwhelming the server and test rate limits more clearly.

Test the rate limiting of the Free tier:

echo "Testing Free Tier Rate Limit..."

for i in {1..6}; do
  curl -I http://localhost:8000/anything -H 'apikey:amal'
  sleep 1

For the first few requests (up to the configured limit, which is 3 requests in 30 seconds), you should receive a 200 OK status code. Once the limit is exceeded, you should receive a 429 Too Many Requests status code with a message indicating the rate limit has been exceeded.

Test the rate limiting of the Basic tier:

echo "Testing Basic Tier Rate Limit..."

for i in {1..7}; do
  curl -I http://localhost:8000/anything -H 'apikey:dana'
  sleep 1

For the first few requests (up to the configured limit, which is 5 requests in 30 seconds), you should receive a 200 OK status code. After exceeding the limit, you should receive a 429 Too Many Requests status code with a rate limit exceeded message.

Test the rate limiting of the Premium tier:

echo "Testing Premium Tier Rate Limit..."

for i in {1..11}; do
  curl -I http://localhost:8000/anything -H 'apikey:mahan'
  sleep 1

For the initial requests (up to the configured limit, which is 500 requests in 30 seconds), you should receive a 200 OK status code. After exceeding the limit, you should receive a 429 Too Many Requests status code.


Clean up Konnect environment

If you created a new control plane and want to conserve your free trial credits or avoid unnecessary charges, delete the new control plane used in this tutorial.

Destroy the Kong Gateway container

curl -Ls https://get.konghq.com/quickstart | bash -s -- -d


Why can’t I use the regular Rate Limiting plugin to rate limit tiers of consumers?

We use the Rate Limiting Advanced plugin because it supports sliding windows, which we use to apply the rate limiting logic while taking into account previous hit rates (from the window that immediately precedes the current) using a dynamic weight.

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