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Customize object defaults in decK

Uses: APIOps decK

You can configure your own custom Kong Gateway defaults via decK to enforce a set of standard values and avoid repetition in your configuration.



decK is a CLI tool for managing Kong Gateway declaratively with state files. To complete this tutorial you will first need to:

  1. Install decK
  2. Create a deck_files directory and a kong.yaml file in the directory:

     mkdir deck_files  && touch deck_files/kong.yaml

You can set custom configuration defaults for the following core Kong Gateway objects:

  • Service
  • Route
  • Upstream
  • Target

Default values get applied to both new and existing objects. See the order of precedence for more detail on how they get applied.

You can choose to define custom default values for any subset of entity fields, or define all of them. decK still finds the default values using a combination of your defined fields and the object’s schema, based on the order of precedence.

decK supports setting custom object defaults both in self-managed Kong Gateway and with .

Important: This feature has the following limitations:

  • Custom plugin object defaults are not supported.
  • If an existing property’s default value changes in a future Kong Gateway release, decK has no way of knowing that this change has occurred, as its defaults configuration would overwrite the value in your environment.

1. Define default properties

Define the properties you want to customize for Kong Gateway objects. See the object defaults reference for all configurable objects and default values.

In the deck_files directory you created in the prerequisites, create a defaults.yaml file and add an _info section with defaults. You can define a few select properties for a supported entity, such as a service:

_format_version: "3.0"
      port: 8080
      protocol: https
      retries: 10

Or you could define custom default values for all available fields of a service and a route:

_format_version: "3.0"
      https_redirect_status_code: 426
      path_handling: v1
      preserve_host: false
      - http
      - https
      regex_priority: 0
      request_buffering: true
      response_buffering: true
      strip_path: true
      port: 8080
      protocol: https
      connect_timeout: 60000
      write_timeout: 60000
      read_timeout: 60000
      retries: 10

2. Validate

Sync your changes with Kong Gateway:

deck gateway sync kong.yaml


Created: 0
Updated: 0
Deleted: 0

Whether you choose to define a subset of custom defaults or all available options, the result is the same: the diff summary doesn’t show any changes, because no entities have actually changed in the database.

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